
Who We Are: Introducing WorldView Trainer Ms. Mariam Khachatryan

Who We Are: Introducing WorldView Trainer Ms. Mariam Khachatryan

End of 2020, a winter day meeting in Yerevan with a team of six –  Hovhannes Ghazaryan, the CEO of the Visual Armenia Development Foundation and the Founder of the WorldView innovative educational platform, was drawing a map on a glass board, explaining that it would become the bedrock of the entire platform. He outlined the structure, the schedule, and the functionality of the platform, emphasizing its necessity especially for a country going through a conflict.

Ms. Mariam Khachatryan, a trainer for the WorldView educational platform, clearly remembers her first meeting with the founding members of Visual Armenia. As a history teacher, she attended to learn about the concept and provide her professional opinion. From the very beginning, she wholeheartedly believed in the idea. She was confident that the faith and enthusiasm in that room would lead to the platform becoming a reality.

Today, Mariam is one of our five trainers who have worked with several hundred teachers from all the corners of Armenia. “With our team in the Foundation we have created a large teaching community where everyone collaborates closely.

We strive to give 21st-century skills to teachers and ensure a continuous dialogue between teachers and students,” Mariam explains, noting that the true measure of their work is the enthusiasm of the teachers.

“We often hear from the teachers that they are given requirements and instructed what to do but not how to do it. After our training sessions, teachers note that WorldView offers the ‘how.’ One of the teachers, when discussing the challenges of teaching history, said, ‘You made comfortable the shoes that pinched our feet,'” Mariam recalls, adding that there are challenges, too.

Sometimes teachers are hesitant to try new things and are skeptical about the results. However, when they enter the classroom, use the WorldView tools, and see the students’ excitement, all doubts disappear. By joining Visual Armenia, Ms. Mariam aimed to meet the expectations she had from herself, her team, and the teachers. The support of the team helped her overcome all the difficulties. 

“The people at WorldView are a strong support. Here, your voice is heard, and your work is valued. With all confidence I can say that all the ideas that we want to bring to life sparks collaboration, discussion, and guiding each other. That’s why I often find myself thinking that this is not just a job, but a beloved occupation that brings me self-fulfillment.” says Mariam.

Our team member is confident that Visual Armenia will continue to implement many programs, providing the best educational opportunities for teachers and students in Armenia and the diaspora. 
