Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy regulates what personal information we – the Visual Armenia Foundation (hereinafter “Foundation”) collect through our website (hereinafter “Website”), how it is used and stored. The Foundation collects your information when you visit our Website and do actions there.

Your personal information is collected and processed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Armenia and internationally accepted practices.

By continuing to access and use the Website, you agree to this Privacy Policy.

Data Privacy

Any personal information that you disclose on the Website is considered private and cannot be shared with third parties, except cases that are regulated under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

You acknowledge and agree that your name can be published on the Website in connection with donations as a donor, if not stated that you wish to stay anonymous by selecting “Anonymous” donation type or stated otherwise (e.g. by email).

Collecting Personal Information

When you use the Website, we can collect and store the following personal information:

  1. a) Personal information provided by you – first name, last name, email address, phone number;
  2. b) Your donation history in the Website;
  3. c) Your Website usage session details, for example, IP addresses, location information, the web pages you visited before coming to the Website;
  4. d) Correspondences that you had with us.

In accordance with the Privacy Policy terms, by providing personal data, you give the Foundation an indefinite, unchangeable, transferable permission to use, reproduce, store, display, publish, transmit or distribute the provided information in connection with the Privacy Policy and in accordance with your preferred privacy policy.

We do not store credit card information on our servers. This information is being collected and stored by Ameriabank CJSC.

Basis for Collecting Personal Information

We collect your personal information to ensure the performance of our website, to make your usage of the website convenient and secure. You agree that we can use your personal information solely for the following purposes:

  1. a) normal operation of the Website;
  2. b) accepting donations you made, providing relevant information in connection to your donations, and sending emails;
  3. c) evaluation and improvement of the Website as well as the quality of our activities;
  4. d) when necessary checking and/or providing necessary information through phone or email, or sending news and updates about the Foundation.

Your Rights

You can request at any time to access, delete, restrict and update your personal information.

If you have questions concerning collecting and processing your personal information by the Foundation, you can contact us at


If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy and personal data that we process about you, please contact us at