Fifth regional workshop held in Kotayk

Fifth regional workshop held in Kotayk

Visual Armenia Development Foundation in partnership with the National Center for Education Development and Innovation held a workshop on learning and using the educational innovative platform Ashkharatsuyts in Kotayk region.

This is the fifth meeting with our teachers in the regions of Armenia. The previous workshops were held in Tavush, Gegharkunik, Shirak and Lori. The purpose is to help teachers acquire knowledge on how to use the Ashkharatsuyts platform, adapt it in the classroom and also develop their teaching skills.

“We believe that educational content should be delivered to the learners through means and methodologies that speak to the requirements of the 21st century. Education plays a pivotal role especially in today’s realities. It is the making of future achievements and victories. With this goal in mind we created the Ashkharatsuyts innovative educational platform. It brings a completely novel approach to teaching and learning”, said Hovhannes Ghazaryan, Executive Director of Visual Armenia Development Foundation, the author of Ashkharatsuyts.

“Over 500 teachers use Ashkharatsuyts on a daily basis leaving their impact on over 20000 students. The program assures interactive and visually attractive teaching of history subjects, develops analytical and creative thinking, as well as increases overall learning progress of students”, said Arevik Avetisyan, Program Director of “Ashkharatsuyts”.

During the workshop the participant teachers strengthened their theoretical knowledge through practical tasks as well. The teachers left the workshops empowered with sufficient skills to conduct their teaching according to modern educational standards and become competent in using this innovation in the classroom.

Visual Armenia Development Foundation together with the National Center for Education Development and Innovation has launched a series of regional workshops on learning and using the educational innovative platform Ashkharatsuyts since April 2023.

Ashkharatsuyts (available at is an innovative educational program, which is implemented by the generous support of the Manoogian Simone Foundation. The program is designed to transform the teaching and learning in schools through content visualization and interaction.